




  • EnerMech和OGP之间的本地合作伙伴关系推动了业务增长 
  • 新的合资企业将推动阿塞拜疆当地人才的发展


EnerMech和Oil的新合资企业 & 气体保护(OGP), 是皇冠体育app集团在阿塞拜疆的附属公司, 已经在该地区获得了前两份合同,总价值300万美元.  

It is also expected to result in a recruitment drive later this year in line with the organisation’s ongoing commitment to local workforce employment and development to help actuate further business growth.

EnerMech是一家全球性的综合机械公司, 电, 仪器和完整性服务专家, 该公司在格鲁吉亚和哈萨克斯坦的里海地区也有设施. 它已经在阿塞拜疆运行了12年, steadily building up its presence and investment in employing and developing Azerbaijani nationals. 

新的EnerMech OGP合作伙伴关系将利用EnerMech的集成供应, 操作, maintenance and 工程 solutions and specialisms alongside OGP’s local expertise, 提高采收率的技术和有效管理. 

第一份合同是200万美元的工程交付合同, 润滑油冲洗, 蓄电池充电和氮气泄漏测试, to support a significant development which includes a new offshore platform and facilities designed to process up to 100,明年投产后,每天可生产1000桶石油, 寿命为3亿桶. 

The second is a $1 million campaign to support the development of the Absheron gas-condensate 场. 位于巴库以南约100公里的海上, 据估计,它含有3500亿立方米的天然气, 还有超过4500万吨的凝析油. 合作的工作范围包括工程, 法兰管理, N2 He泄漏试验, 本项目所有上层管道和容器的干燥和惰化. 

OGP general director Eldar Maharramov said: “OGP was set up in Azerbaijan 17 years ago to bring new technologies, 为油气行业提供有效的管理和本地专业知识. We are very pleased to be joining forces with EnerMech as this will effectively double our capacity and competences and increase the quality and efficiency of our 服务 across new strategic campaigns. 

We look forward to working together to deliver these first two campaigns secured under the new JV, and the ongoing impact the partnership will have in supporting further employment locally.”   

EnerMech的中东地区总监 & Caspian Paul Cockerill said: “EnerMech has been operating in the region since winning a flagship crane and lifting contract in 2010. 从那时起, our foothold in the region for delivering our core 服务 has continued to expand as has our commitment to sharing knowledge, 最佳实践, 以及提高当地劳动力技能的安全能力. 

Securing OGP as a JV partner has increased our 功能 with additional talent and technologies which complement our existing teams, 服务, 和产品. We will also be looking to recruit more Azerbaijani nationals as these two new projects get underway in the coming months.

Both campaigns are significant business wins and support our strategic growth in the region. 我们还投资了100万美元购买新设备,以增强我们的机队. 有了这个健壮的基础设施, we look forward to building on our existing relationship with customers in the region and forging new bonds.”